August 26, 2024

A Quiet Day on Barra

I kept waiting for a sunrise this morning but it was not to be – though it was not pouring rain! I decided to check out the local golf course and was pleasantly surprised to find a foursome ready to tee off. I asked them how they knew where to go on the course and one gentleman said (in a heavy Scottish accent) that they had been around the course 4 times and still weren’t sure! There were cows around the course (and evidence that they definitely got around the entire course) and the greens, and I use that term loosely, were enclosed by fencing made of strips of wire to keep the cows out! The course winds through hills and rocks along the sea and at one point you can see seals lounging around on the rocks below! Saying it is unique doesn’t do it justice.  This is another location I want to revisit with some sun!

Wandered around town a bit and took a few photos of Kisimul Castle, stronghold of the MacNeils and tied to the Lords of the Isles, but nothing spectacular.  It was a good day to just scout around and hopefully tomorrow I can return to Vatersay and to the golf course in better weather.  The light is very flat during the day because of the constant cloud cover and I just have to hope I get some dramatic light at some point during the day!