August 30, 2024

Back to Oban

The week in Barra was filled mostly with clouds and rain though there were moments of sheer beauty that made it all worthwhile.  The forecast was improving as I left the island and perhaps another visit in the future will be on my calendar.  My one landmark photo includes Kisimul Castle, the stronghold of the MacNeils who were thanes of the Lords of the Isles.  The castle itself, in my opinion, is not much to look at but when photographed next to the ferry, one can see the old and the new in stark contrast.  Could the medieval lords ever have imagined that this vessel would take the place of their birlinns?

Another 5 hour voyage and I was back in Oban, a city that has really grown on me.  I attempted to photograph Dun Ollie from a different perspective as the sun went down and discovered the Dun Ollie Woods and a beautiful walking path below the castle.  Later I followed the road to Ganavan Sands overlooked by a new housing development.  Looking out to sea from this spot you have a great view of Lismoe and Mull . There are paths, including an inland cycle path,  from the beach that will take you to Dunstaffnage Castle and even a long trail to Ft. William.