Beautiful, vibrant Edinburgh welcomed us on a perfect sunny day. It felt as though it was just yesterday that I walked these streets even though it was a year ago when I last visited. This city feels familiar now and while my heart remains in the Highlands I do love Edinburgh. This is a city where street performers can be found on every block along the Royal Mile, delighting tourists and locals alike. From men in kilts playing the bagpipes to an opera singer to a juggler, they are all here especially on a sunny spring day. We browsed the shops and paused for a wee dram in a pub. A little treasure was the shop with woven scarfs, kilts, shawls, etc. Bought a beautiful woolen woven scarf of the Lords of the Isles (what else?). Had a delicious fish and chips dinner at No. 1 High Street as recommended by our cab driver from the airport. All in all a good, though exhausting, day.