Since Robert the Bruce and the Campbells figure prominently in the story of the Lords of the Isles and the MacDonalds we went to two places that figure into the scenario. Robert the Bruce was defeated at the Battle of Dalrigh and legend has it that he and his men threw their swords into the little lake there and that his claymore is still in the lake! Kilchurn Castle was across the loch and made for a nice picture – but the sky was dull and overcast.
The Ardchattan Priory ruins were fabulous. There were some ancient tomb slabs with carvings of the medieval priors and warriors that were really interesting. During this time period the leaders of the clans and the monks would commission the carved slabs to be put on their tombs when they died. This was all during the period of the rule of the Lords of the Isles.
Ended the day visiting Dunstaffnage Castle which belonged to the Macdougalls but was captured by The Bruce and held in royal hands for many years. Great example of the castles of this era and strategically positioned being surrounded on three sides by the sea. It is one of Scotlands oldest stone castles.
So, it was a busy day and there was a lot to take in. Another adventure awaits tomorrow.