Phase one of the Scotland project is well underway. After a 3-week journey following in the footsteps of the Lords of the Isles and their ancient ancestors the process of selecting a first section of photos has begun. These are by no means the photos that will make it into the book but fun to share just the same. Robert the Bruce figured prominently in the story of the Lords of the Isles as they received land from him in exchange for fighting with him to become King of Scots. One of his early battles, in which he was defeated was at Dalrigh, pictured as it looks today. On the way to Ardchattan Priory we stopped at St. Conan’s Kirk, located in the village of Loch Awe and one of the most fascinating buildings in Scotland. It is a conglomerate of every possible style of architecture. Unfortunately it has no bearing on my story so on we went to Ardchattan Priory. The obligatory sheep picture must also be included in these preliminary thought pages.