December 10
It was off to El Cobre today. As I had been there before this time I walked around the grounds by the church and discovered a seminary, though it doesn’t appear to be used as a seminary anymore. It was nearly deserted except for the ladies cleaning and they explained to me that they come every day to clean and cook. I never did figure out who they were cooking for – perhaps it is used as a retreat now. It is a beautiful complex with a courtyard and stately columns along the portico. I also explored the hotel that sits behind the church and captured some black and white photos which seemed appropriate given the building itself. There was a lovely old man and his burro who asked if I had any soap. Of course I did! I also gave him some liniment. He was wonderful to talk to and a joy to photograph because he had a fabulous face and great expressions.
We returned to the city of Santiago and headed off to the hotel for Carlos and Vivi’s baby party. The city was dark – except for the few houses that had alternative energy. The blackouts have been regular and lasting about 6-10 hours. The hotel, of course, had its own power which spilled out onto the street and into the park across from it. These blackouts are now a regular occurance across the island and we have been told they are worse in Baracoa where we head next.